General terms & conditions

Equality & inclusivity

We are committed to maintaining a respectful community where all our students can learn, develop and grow in a safe place. We do not tolerate rudeness, bullying, verbal/mental/physical abuse to staff or other students. We welcome people of all backgrounds, faiths, abilities, ethnicities and genders. The same applies to other unit holders and visitors to the Marsh Farm site. Anyone found to be violating these principles will be banned from the Premises permanently.

Alternative access provisions

If you have alternative access needs and/or are differently abled, please get in contact prior to joining us so we can chat through your requirements and make sure you have everything you need.


All payments are made via our website in advance of the start date of the course or event. You can use a credit or debit card to pay securely. All of our payment processing is done via Stripe, and we do not hold any bank or card details as a business. We do not accept cash payments and hold no cash on the premises.


We are unable to offer full or partial refunds for Tasters, Courses, Workshops, Events or Studio Membership if you need to miss a session, or can no longer make the dates. Please check the full details and dates on our website before making a booking.

The only time we will issue a refund is when a session cannot run for whatever reason, such as illness or a problem with the building. Refunds are processed via Stripe and are refunded directly to the payment method used. We cannot offer cash refunds.

Additional Taster/Course/Workshop material & firing costs

Should you exceed the fair allowance of materials provided, Marsh Farm Pottery will charge an additional £5 per 1kg of unfired clay. If your work requires additional firings or is of a scale which requires a larger percentage of our kilns than is fair, an additional surcharge will be added. We will discuss this upfront with you and make you aware of the options so you can make a decision. Payments will need to be made in advance of firings taking place.

Firing work

Completed course work will be made ready for collection between 2 - 8 weeks after the taster/course/workshop. We cannot guarantee that your work will not be damaged during the kiln firing process - whether work survives can be dependent on a variety of things, including how it has been made. We regret that we provide no compensation for this eventuality.

Collection of work

An email will be sent out to you informing you of collection dates and times. Please only arrive at these specified dates/times to collect your work. You cannot drop-in unannounced and will not be allowed entrance into the studio. Please bring a suitable container and packaging materials when collecting work as we cannot provide this for you.

You have 1 month from the date of the collection notification email in which to come in and collect your work. You must take away all of your work with you, even pieces that you are unhappy with, or that have failed during the firing process. We do not have general waste and are unable to dispose of unwanted work.

Health and Safety

We are committed to providing a healthy and safe environment in which to work and learn. It is of fundamental importance that all students respect all health and safety regulations. You must respect and adhere to any instruction relating to safe studio practice by a technician or tutor. Please ask if there is anything you are uncertain about. Please familiarise yourself with signage, first aid points and emergency exits whilst in the building.

Marsh Farm Pottery cannot be held responsible for any injuries caused by misuse of the studio or equipment and materials, or from failure to listen to and follow instructions.

Marsh Farm Pottery reserves the right to suspend/terminate any person from a taster/course/workshop if any of the above points are not adhered to or respected, or if a student is deemed to be unsafe in the space and a danger to others.

Loss, damage & theft

Marsh Farm Pottery cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or theft caused to work or personal possessions whilst on the premises.

Marsh Farm is an open site with people coming and going throughout the day and during the evenings. It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle or bike are properly secured and is left at your own risk. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle or on your bike and ensure you have insurance to cover any theft or damage. Marsh Farm and/or Marsh Farm Pottery cannot be held responsible for any theft or damage to your vehicle or bike.

Anyone found to be maliciously damaging work/equipment/property or stealing will be reported to the Police and it will be dealt with as a criminal matter.