Studio Membership FAQs

  • I've only been to a couple of classes - is membership right for me?

    Our studio welcomes makers and artists of all ability levels as we believe a vibrant community of all abilities makes for a wonderful peer-to-peer learning environment.

    Studio membership is perfect for you if you would like to have some more time to be able to explore your own ideas and practice techniques.

    Becoming a member is a step-up from going to classes. You will be working independently and will need to buy your own tools, clay and decorating materials (underglazes, slips and glazes) as well as pay for your firings on-top of your monthly membership fee.

    Full inductions are given into the space and equipment, and you can book paid-for technician support sessions to get advice and help with your making. You will also get first dibs on skills-based workshops and our 6-week courses so you’ll have chance to increase your skills over time.

  • What's the deposit for?

    We take 1 month’s studio membership fee upfront as a deposit which protects us from any damage to property or lost keys that may happen.

    The deposit is held and will be returned to you, minus any pre-agreed deductions, at the end of your Membership. Any deductions we need to make for damage/lost keys will be communicated to you by email.

    If you do break anything or lose your keys, please let us know asap so we can sort quickly.

  • When can I use the studio?

    We are open 5 days a week, 6am until 11pm….

    Mondays - 6am to 11pm

    Tuesdays - 1.30pm to 5pm

    Wednesdays - 6am to 5pm

    Thursdays - 1pm to 11pm

    Fridays - 6am to 11pm

    Saturdays - 6am to 11pm *closed for workshops 2x per month

    Sundays - 6am to 11pm

  • Can I bring visitors to the studio?

    The answer to this one is no. We do not allow visitors to Marsh Farm Pottery outside of our open studio events.

    The reason for this is that we operate a communal studio and it’s unfair to interrupt others making.

    The other reason is for health & safety. All of our members need their own insurance to come on-site and use the pottery. Ceramics is a high-risk process and we cannot allow visits as this will invalidate our health & safety risk assessments and could invalidate our insurance.

    Please do not allow members of the public in the studio - there is quite a bit of footfall at Marsh Farm and we cannot allow the public access to the space for the reasons detailed above.

  • Where can I get clay and materials?

    The most local is Bath Potters and you can visit their store in Radstock.

    Potclays, Potterycrafts, Scarva, CTM, and Clayman Supplies are all recommended online suppliers.

    It is much better to get your deliveries direct to your home address and you can bring them in when you’re next on-site.

    Please ensure that you do not get anything delivered to the studio.

    There is no parcel service offered at the studio and the other tenants at Marsh Farm do not like having to deal with other people’s post and it’s a sure-fire way for us to lose our tenancy.

  • How much do kiln firings cost?

    It depends is the short answer… we base our calculations on how much your work weighs and how much space it takes up in the kiln.

    We will work out your kiln firing costs before your work is fired. We will let you know via email and you will need to pay for your firings before your work goes in.

    Our kiln is 210Ltrs and members can fire their work in our general bisque (1000C), Earthenware (1080C) and Stoneware (1250C) firings, or if you have special firing requirements then you can book the entire kiln. If booking the entire kiln, it is worth having enough work to fill it to ensure firing is as cost-effective as possible.

  • Do I need to book my time in the studio?

    At the moment, there is no need to let us know when you are planning to come in and use the studio as we are just getting going.

    We do ask that you let us know if you wish to use a wheel so we can keep that on a calendar.

    As the studio grows, we will introduce a booking system where Members will be asked to book in the space and equipment they wish to use. This will be introduced with plenty of warning and all of our members will get a full induction into the system that we choose.

  • Can I bring my dog in with me?

    The aim is to be a dog-friendly studio BUT you will need to get approval from us before you can bring your dog on-site.

    You will need to ensure you have Public Liability Insurance for your dog before you bring them on site - you can get this from The Dogs Trust.

    Your dog will also need to be kept on a lead when moving around the Marsh Farm site. Please bring a bed for your dog, a water bowl + compostable poo bags so you can clean up after your dog friend during toilet breaks. You’ll need to take your dog waste home with you as there are no facilities at the farm to deal with this.

  • What if I want to end my membership?

    When you first join us, there is a minimum of 3 months contract. After the first 3 months expires, then it is a monthly rolling contract and you can hand in your notice at any time.

    We have an initial minimum contract term at the beginning as we find it takes new members time to settle in and it protects us from people joining who are not really ready for the next step.

    There is a 2 month notice period in place, so please give your notice in plenty of time so you can leave on your desired date.

    The notice period is so that we can advertise and find a replacement member. We are a small studio and rely on our members to subsidise the space so it is affordable for everyone.