Refunds & exchanges

Cancelling your order

You have the right to cancel your order within 14 days for any reason and without justification. If you have booked by mistake or no longer whish to keep the booking, please contact us at and we will be happy to help.

Your refund will be processed via Stripe back to the credit/debit card used to make the original purchase. We do not offer cash refunds. Please remember it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process the refund. If more than 15 business days have passed since we’ve approved your return, please contact us at

After 14 days we regret that we are unable to cancel an order and issue a refund. This applies to all classes, taster sessions, workshops and gift vouchers.

Non-attendance of tasters, courses and workshops

We are unable to offer full or partial refunds for Tasters, Courses, Workshops, Events or Studio Membership if you need to miss a session, or can no longer make the dates after the 14-day cooling-off period has elapsed. Please check the full details and dates on our website before making a booking.

The only time we will issue a refund is when a session cannot run for whatever reason, such as illness or a problem with the building. Refunds are processed via Stripe and are refunded directly to the payment method used. We cannot offer cash refunds.

Should you arrive late to a class/event, or are unable to attend for whatever reason, we regret that we cannot swap sessions, provide you with alternative dates outside of your paid course dates/times, or offer a full or partial refund for the missed time. Tasters, courses and workshops are held at fixed times and run at full occupancy to cover the cost of materials which are purchased in advance, as well as the cost of tuition payable to the tutor/visiting artist who is leading the session. Please ensure you are able to attend all, or as much as possible, before booking as mistakes cannot be rectified after the 14-day cooling-off period has expired.

Gift Vouchers

We are unable to offer refunds on Gift Vouchers as these are valid for 12-months and there is plenty of opportunity to redeem throughout the year.